28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. Join us to study these fundamental beleifs with Pr. Charles Raj Kumar.

A Holy Land in Open Gate

Blessed are they who walk in the light given by the living Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what we mean by this? Find out the answers with Evangelist Emmanuel Raj Sekar.

Abraham's Spiritual Journey

There are a lot of lessons that we can learn from Abraham who is also know as the "Father of Faith" in the Bible. Join us with Mr. Vethanayagam as he takes you through Abraham's Spiritual life's Journey.

Adventist Home

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

Amazing Journey with Moses

Let's take a journey with Moses and see how God called him towards His mission and how he responded. Get closer to God by following the good characteristics he had.

Back to the Bible

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Book of Exodus and God's People

The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible. It tells a story about Israelites being delivered from slavery, involving an Exodus from Egypt. Join us as we learn some important lessons from this story with Pr. Immanuel Joseph.

Champions of God

God has given each of us the heart of a champion far beyond the field of athletic endeavour. But only a handful amount of people have indeed become Champions of God. Do you want to know what set them apart. Join us with Pr. Doss Kumar as he talk about some of such Champions from the Bible.

Christ's Sermon on the Mount

Christ's Sermon on the Mount features the teaching of Jesus on a variety of subjects pertaining to the Christian life, discipleship, and life in the kingdom of God. Join us with Pr. Doss Kumar as we look deeper into this.

Claiming Our Canaan

In this series with Pr. Doss Kumar, learn how to claim your eternal reward that is in store for you.

Genesis - The Key to the whole Bible

Genesis being the first book of the Bible has some very important lessons which we need to keep in mind before we go further into the Bible. Join us as we take a deeper study into this important book.

God's Character

Find out the character of God with Pr. John Justin as he shares about the different characteristics of God with you in this series.

God's Handwriting

In this series, we will learn more about God's through nature and try to find out God's handwriting written all over creation.

God's Miracles in the wilderness

Come and join our journey in trough the wilderness where we can recount many miracles performed by Jesus throughout their journey.

God's Will in Human Life

Have you ever wondered what is God's plan for your life. Join us with Pr. Eliah Sugunaraj as he speaks about God's will in the lives of some people.

Good News for Gentiles

The Jews believed that Jesus would come to save only them. This was however not true. Paul shared good news which exposed that God wanted to save even the gentiles living back then and even today.

Guardians of the Truth

From the very beginning of time, there have always been people who were committed to guarding and preserving the precious truths that are needed for our salvation. Let us learn about some of these people.

Healthy Life

Do you want to live a life without any illness. If you fall ill, do you want to know how to get cured by natural methods. To know, join us in this series Healthy Life.

Healthy Living

A healthy lifestyle is a way if living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. Health is not just about avoiding diseases. It is also about physical, mental and social well being. A healthy living is a cheerful living. Health us wealth. Let us find such wealth within our resources and live happily. Be blessed boy watching these health shows.

Hello Dentist

Learn how to take better care of your teeth in this series with Dr. J. Johnson Raja share as he shares with us some important pointers to help protect our teeth.

Here is Wisdom

Let's learn and grow in wisdom as we learn the deeper meaning of some of the mysteries from the Bible.

History of Revelation

Let us study the history of the important prophecy book of Revelation as it is now relevant to us now more than ever before.

House of God

The church building in which we worship is not the house of God. So what is really the house of God. Join us to find the real truth.

Importance of Prayer

We Pray to communicate with God. We Pray to Him in joyful and in troubled situations and thank Him for He leads us through all stages of our lives.

Incidents are Speaking

The Bible is filled with many incidents that happened in the past. These incidents were recorded to teach us some valuable lessons. Come and join us with Pr. Jacob Samuel as he sheds some light on some of the incidents that are mentioned in the Bible.

Iniya Thuvakkam

Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name". Start your day with Songs of Praise, life changing testimonies and a blessed devotion.

Jesus Christ in the Sanctuary

What is Christ doing for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary, and why is it so important for us to understand it, especially in the last days? Find out the answers in this series.


When you are pressured by problems from all sides, you might not be able to understand why things are happening to you. Find answers through the life of Job who went through much more difficulties than you can imagine. Only at the end, you might see the abundant blessings that are waiting in store for you.


A Hebrew prophet named Jonah, son of Amittai was sent by God to prophesy the destruction of Nineveh but instead tries to escape the divine mission.This story has a long interpretive history. Join us with Pr. M. Johnson as we go deeper into the life of Jonah.

Joseph - A type of Christ

When you compare the life of Joseph with that of Jesus Christ, you can find some resemblance between them. Come and learn how Joseph reflected some of Christ’s characteristics when he lived on earth with Pr. Charles Raj Kumar.

Lessons from the Book of Jeremiah

In the course of 40 years in a major prophetic office, Jeremiah learned certain hard-won lessons that 21st century men and women desperately need to grasp and understand. Learn more about them in this series.

Lessons from the Churches of the Bible

In this series, we will compare our church today with the churches at different time periods.

Live Smart and be Healthy

Living a smart lifestyle can help prolong our days in this earth. Join us as we discuss some of these crucial tips which can change your lives.

Man of God's own Heart

David was called a man after God’s own heart because he was faithful to the Lord, he was repentant when he did wrong, and he loved the Lord with all his heart.

Missionary Biographies

It is crucial not to forget the past and the way the Lord has led us in history. In this series, we are going to study some valuable life lessons from the lives of great people from the past, whom God used mightily to change the course of the history of his church.

New Life

The Life in this world is not eternal. Because of sin, life has to end. But God wanted to give a second chance for those who love Him, serve Him and who walk in His footsteps. So Christ came to this world as a sacrifice to give a New Life to everyone who repents from their sins.

One Mind 100 Statements

Let's see some of the statements from the Bible with Evangelist Emmanuel Rajsekar and see what we can learn from these stories.

Parables and Practical Christianity

In this series, we will see how parables set and example which we can adapt in our lives. We will also see how some Christians were able to practically follow those lessons in their lives. In today's episode, we will see them meaning of Parables and see why Jesus used them and end by seeing some types of parables.

Pearls of God

We can find many characters in the Bible who lived a life that was pleasing to God. Let us learn about some of their lives so that we can also try to become like them.

Prepare to Meet thy God

This is the time for us to prepare to meet our Lord Jesus Christ. God will help us always. He will never let us live alone. He will give is victory.