When you are pressured by problems from all sides, you might not be able to understand why things are happening to you. Find answers through the life of Job who went through much more difficulties than you can imagine. Only at the end, you might see the abundant blessings that are waiting in store for you.
The end of our lives is death but there is hope in the resurrection.
There was war between Christ and satan. There is a war between Christians and satan. If Job won the race, we can be sure to win the race as well.
All the riches, all the blessings and all the happiness were given to Job. Yet he feared the Lord.
You have problems in this world. Be cheerful for I have overcome the world says the Lord.
Job was taking care of widows and poor people. He was a blessing to them, yet he cursed his birthday.
We learn the law of God through affliction. The blessings of God are disguised in our affliction.
Job’s friends were convinced that the suffering was the outcome of his personal sins. Was it true?
Job was righteous. Yet he suffered a lot for which he was not a part of.
Though he slay me, yet I will trust in the Lord.
Among the three friends, Elihu was not satisfied. He was angry.
God spoke to Job through the great winds.
Job’s redeemer is our redeemer as well. He redeemed Job and He will do the same for us too.
About the Show
When you are pressured by problems from all sides, you might not be able to understand why things are happening to you. Find answers through the life of Job who went through much more difficulties than you can imagine. Only at the end, you might see the abundant blessings that are waiting in store for you.
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