New Life

The Life in this world is not eternal. Because of sin, life has to end. But God wanted to give a second chance for those who love Him, serve Him and who walk in His footsteps. So Christ came to this world as a sacrifice to give a New Life to everyone who repents from their sins.

New Life


01 Creation

God is the creator who can create anything and transform useless to useful.

02 Sabbath

Sabbath is the remembrance of His creation. Every Sabbath, God creates a New Life in each person to face another week.

03 Lord's Supper

Every sinner must be washed in the Blood of Jesus and partake of His Body.

04 Word of God

The Word of God is a powerful weapon to comfort people in times of troubles.

05 Holy Spirit

God said, I will send you a comforter to bring you out of your troubles and temptations to give you joy and happiness in the last days.

06 Baptism

Being Baptised is to die to that past sins and being born again in Christ to live a renewed life.

07 The Son

We are saved through the son of God. He paid the ultimate price to purchase us by his blood.

08 The Nature of Humanity

Nature of human is to sin. But God gave us the everlasting Gospel through which we can change our natural habits to His pure habits.

09 Church

Church is a place where every sinner can hear the Word of God and live a new life putting the old sins behind.

10 The Second Coming Of Christ

This world is ending soon. But God said that He will come again to take His people along with Him to live a New Life with Him forever.

11 Adultry

God gave a second chance to the woman who was caught in adultly. Similarly we too commit innumerable amount of sins which God is willing to forgive if we repent.

12 Good Samaritan

A good Samaritan is a person who does good deeds out of compassion and not because of any hope of reward.

About the Show

The Life in this world is not eternal. Because of sin, life has to end. But God wanted to give a second chance for those who love Him, serve Him and who walk in His footsteps. So Christ came to this world as a sacrifice to give a New Life to everyone who repents from their sins.

Pr. Solomon Vimal Raj

Pr. Solomon Vimal Raj

New Life
Pr. Solomon Vimal Raj
Sermon, Bible
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