Healthy Living
A healthy lifestyle is a way if living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. Health is not just about avoiding diseases. It is also about physical, mental and social well being. A healthy living is a cheerful living. Health us wealth. Let us find such wealth within our resources and live happily. Be blessed boy watching these health shows.

A healthy lifestyle is a way if living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. Health is not just about avoiding diseases. It is also about physical, mental and social well being. A healthy living is a cheerful living. Health us wealth. Let us find such wealth within our resources and live happily.
You may think why mental health is important or why do we take care of mental health or what to do to keep our mental health healthy. Here the video from Healthy living show broadcasted by Hope Channel India. Find the explanation Mental health is the level of psychological well being and the state of functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behaviour adjustment. In this series, Dr. Arun Kumar would help you to build up your mental health for a Healthy Living.
Religious faith, values, beliefs, principles and moral values define our Spirituality. To make it healthier and more beautiful through some of the ways suggested by Dr. Arun Kumar.
Cognitive and Neurological health refers to the health of the brain. Cognition is the combination of several critical brain functions including memory, judgement, language intuition and the ability to learn. Cognition is the process by which one acquires knowledge through experience, thought and sensory impulse. Learn more about how to make your Brain healthier.
Learning is a life long process of acquiring new or modified existing knowledge, behaviour, skills, values or preferences. To know more about learning and its types, join us in this program.
Fitness is the state of being physically fit and healthy. Being fit not only means physical health, but emotional and mental health too. Join us to learn more about this fitness.
Healthy eating is one of the best thing you can do to prevent and control health problems such as heart diseases, high blood pressure and more. In this episode, you can learn more on how to have a good balanced diet.
Sleep is a naturally recurring states of the mind and body. Your questions related to sleep disorders, treatment, sleep problems like insomnia, sleep deprivation and restless legs syndrome are answered by Dr. Arun Kumar in this episode.
Patent Explanation of AIDS by DR. ARUN KUMAR. AIDS is a chronic, potentially life threatening condition caused by the HIV. By damaging your immune system, the virus interferes with the bodies ability to fight against the organisms that cause diseases. In this show, will discuss about the precautionary steps to avoid it and also learn some remedial steps that can be taken.
These are illness that are caused by pathogens and parasites in human population by the bit of infected arthropod species such as mosquitoes. ticks, triatomine bugs, sand flies and black flies. We will be discussing in this episode about Malaria, Dengu fever, Yellow fever and plagues. Watch and be aware of these diseases.
These diseases are caused by pathogenic micro organisms that are transmitted through water. Diarrheal diseases including cholera, guinea worm disease, typhoid and dysentery are discussed by Dr. Arun Kumar to help take precautional steps to avoid the diseases and remedies that can help overcome the diseases.
About the Show
A healthy lifestyle is a way if living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. Health is not just about avoiding diseases. It is also about physical, mental and social well being. A healthy living is a cheerful living. Health us wealth. Let us find such wealth within our resources and live happily. Be blessed boy watching these health shows.

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