Back to the Bible

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Back to the Bible


13 Brotherly Love

In the church of God, the brotherly love a christian should posses is greatly lacking.

12 Laodicea

The strong love of the world from swallow up the love for the truth in the last days.

11 Experience of the Disciples

Today we will look into the upper room experience before the last days.

10 Investigative Judgement

Angels are recording our actions, our thoughts, our words and our secrets and all these will be taken into consideration in the investigative judgement.

09 Four Blessings of Lucifer

Lucifer was initially blessed with full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, abundant richness and high position.

08 Pilate's Judgement Hall

Pilate saw Jesus as a man of calm countenance. He found no marks of criminal activity on Jesus, but rather saw the signature of heaven in Him.

07 Balaam

Balaam did not seek God to do the will of God, but chose his own course.

06 God Loves Sinners

If there had been just one sinner in this world, Jesus would have still come and died so set him free from his sins.

05 Depression

Today we will look at four types of depression found with hopelessness.

04 Touch of Faith

The great physician found the lady through the touch of her faith.

03 Importance of Forgiveness (P3)

Jesus taught forgiveness through the parables He recorded in Matthew 18.

02 Importance of Forgiveness (P2)

Today we will look into the benefits of forgiveness.

About the Show

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Pr. Suresh K

Pr. Suresh K

Back to the Bible
Pr. Suresh K
Sermon, Bible
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