Latest Episodes
Study in the Book of Daniel
The Rise of Pagan Rome
In this episode, we will see the rise of Papal Rome and the persecution staged against God’s people.
Spiritual Gifts
How to Identify & Use Your Gifts?
Many people wonder how they can identify their own gifts. Today you can find it's answer.
Iniya Thuvakkam
Episode 13
Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name". Start your day with Songs of Praise, life changing testimonies and a blessed devotion.
Arise Youth, It's Your Time
It's Time to Change the World
It is high time for the youth to take up the task of spreading the gospel in the last days and shine for Jesus. Find how you can serve Jesus in this series.
Your Question - Our Answer
Did God Allow Abortion?
Children are God's given gifts to us. So let us see today if the bible will approve abortion practices today.
Tamil Sabbath School
Epilogue: Knowing Jesus and His Word
We will look at some of this Gospel’s key points, which can help us move beyond the mere head knowledge of Jesus to, instead, knowing Him better and more closely abiding in Him and in His Word.
Study in the Book of Daniel
Fall of Roman Empire Daniel
This episode deals with the Destruction of Roman empire by the fiercely barbarians.
Spiritual Gifts
Gift of Signs & Wonders
Today we will take a look at some of the gifts like signs, wonders and miracles which will cross with the spiritual warfare.