When your Heart is Overwhelmed
How can I trust God? Whey me Lord? Is my heart comforted? Are these some of the questions you question yourself? Find out the answers in this series.

One of the secrets to be joyful is to learn to be content and even when defeated.
There is light at the end of darkness. The very presence of God will disperse the darkness.
Calm down, be strong and be confident to overcome your bitter days.
Don't run away from God when problems arise and get into further problems.
Be comforted because you have been saved by His power for His kingdom.
Be aware to not forget humanity, be ungrateful and loose your self control.
You have been created to live a happy life. Therefore enjoy life and live happily.
When you are in difficult times, just remember there is a time of waiting as well which you might need to overcome to see the joys on the other side.
Forgive and you will be comforted. You will realize who you are and you will be benefited.
When your life is amidst trials, maintain your silence and have no double solutions. Just trust in God.
When you are surrounded by troubles, focus on heaven as the trouble maker has be cast off when Jesus gave His life to save you.
It was not God's plan to be lonely. Take back your identity and be honest.

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