Your Question - Our Answer

This series is a question and answer series based on the questions received from the people in general and some fellow church members.

Your Question - Our Answer


Did God Allow Abortion?

Children are God's given gifts to us. So let us see today if the bible will approve abortion practices today.

Why Some Christians are Possessed by Demons?

Today we will see the answer to why some people even in today's world are possessed by the demon.

Consult the Dead on Behalf of the Living

Some people resort to going to sorcery and black magic to get some information. Let us see today if such practices are acceptable.

What are Stones of Fire?

Today we will see what is the stone of fire and also see where Lucifer is working from.

09 Receiving Dreams from God

Today let us see if it is possible for us who are living today to still receive dreams from God.

08 Baptism for Dead People

Some people misunderstand the writings of Paul when it comes to baptism. Let us see what Paul really had to say.

07 Why Suffering for Christians?

Some Christians ask why they suffer even after they choose to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour. Let us see the reason.

06 Who is Greater in Heaven?

Whosoever doesn't obey the commands of God will be smaller in heaven is something you might have heard. Let us see today if there is any such concept of smaller or greater in heaven.

05 Are Disciples of Jesus Still Living?

Based on Matthew 16:28, some people claim that some disciples are still alive. Let us see today the correct interpretation of this verse.

04 Can Women Speak in Church?

Women play an integral part in the church when seen in both the new and the old testament. Find out how they played such roles from the bible.

03 Can we Pray for Dead People?

Some people have a practice of celebrating a yearly festival for praying for the dead. Let's see what the bible has to say in this regard.

02 Keys of Heaven to Peter

Jesus told that He has the keys of heaven to Peter. Today we will see if Peter did actually hold any such key.

About the Show

This series is a question and answer series based on the questions received from the people in general and some fellow church members.

Pr. Kedwik Majith S

Pr. Kedwik Majith S

Your Question - Our Answer
Pr. Kedwik Majith S
Bible, Adventists, Education
Donate to Hope Channel

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