Parables and Practical Christianity
In this series, we will see how parables set and example which we can adapt in our lives. We will also see how some Christians were able to practically follow those lessons in their lives. In today's episode, we will see them meaning of Parables and see why Jesus used them and end by seeing some types of parables.
In this series, we will see how parables set and example which we can adapt in our lives. We will also see how some Christians were able to practically follow those lessons in their lives. In today's episode, we will see them meaning of Parables and see why Jesus used them and end by seeing some types of parables.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 11:1-13. The Bible clearly tell us to ask, seek to knock to receive from God.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Matthew 18:21-35 where we see the parable of the Unmerciful Servant. We should never miss an opportunity to forgive.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Matthew 13:47-52 where we see The Parable of the Net. It is unnatural for anyone to keep the love of God as a secret.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 10:25-37 where we will see the Parable of the Good Samaritan. He we see that everyone who belongs to God is our Neighbour.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 18:9-14 where we see the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Here we see that we are not to judge others and not trust in yourself too.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Matthew 20:1-16 where we see the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. Here we see that we are just to trust in God and His goodness alone.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 16:1-9 where we see the Parable of the Shrewd Manager. Here we will see the importance of our eternal dwelling with our Lord Jesus.
Today we will see that test of sincerity will not in words, but will be in the form of deeds.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 5:36-39. Here we see that we are never to mix the teachings of men with the teachings of Jesus.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 14:28-33. Here we see that if we are unable to give up everything we have, we cannot be His disciples.
Today we will see some lessons that can be learnt from Luke 12:13-21 where we see the Parable of the Rich Fool. We are not to work solely to enlarge our own riches in this earth.
About the Show
In this series, we will see how parables set and example which we can adapt in our lives. We will also see how some Christians were able to practically follow those lessons in their lives. In today's episode, we will see them meaning of Parables and see why Jesus used them and end by seeing some types of parables.
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